Online Resources

General Legal Help

Ventura County Superior Court – Superior Court family law and non-family law self-help centers. This site provides links that assist persons who represent themselves in court.
Ventura County District Attorney’s Office
Ventura County Public Defender
Ventura County District Attorney’s Office Small Claims Advisor
The Ventura County Bar Association – Provides information on how to choose an attorney, a directory of local attorneys, a lawyer referral service, and a list of local legal clinics.
Ventura County Local Rules of Court
California Courts On-line Self-Help Center – Extensive self help site.
Centro de Ayuda de las Cortes de California – Su corte al alcance de la mano.
California Indian Legal Services
California Office of the Patient Advocate – Local information dealing with medical issues.
California Small Claims Courts Information Center & Small Claims Court Guide from the CA Dept. of Consumer Affairs
California Tenants – a guide to residential tenants’ and landlords’ rights and responsibilities. – is a major publisher of legal self-help information. Their online Self-Help Center offers a large selection of free information on everyday legal topics.
Sacramento County Public Law Library – Learn About the Law, using research guides, resource lists, and more information from the SCPLL.
San Diego County Public Law Library Research Guides – These guides cover a wide variety of subjects including Ex Parte Motions, Motion to Quash a Service of Summons, Motions to Vacate a Default, how to Shepardize a California case, and Writ of Administrative Mandate.
American Bar Association’s Free Legal Help – Select your state

Find an attorney

Legal Directory
AVVO – This website rates and profiles attorneys in every state, with information including experience practicing law, disciplinary sanctions, professional achievements, and client ratings.
Martindale-Hubble Lawyer Locator
AttorneyPages – an easy to use national directory of qualified attorneys, lawyers and law firms endorsed by the 58,000 member Association of Trial Lawyers of America.
California State Bar Association
Ventura County Bar Association

Consumer Protection Information

Federal Trade Commission Consumer Protection Site – Source for Federal Government information on consumer rights. Copies of pamphlets can be obtained online.
California Department of Consumer Affairs – Consumer assistance information.
Better Business Bureau (BBB) System – A link to Better Business Bureaus by zipcode.
State and Consumer Services Agency – Links to a large number of consumer websites.
Findlaw Consumer Law Center
Lemon Law Information and Sites – coverage of Lemon Law Statutes in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

Vital Records

Where to Write for Vital Records – Links to United States birth death, marriage and divorce records information from the National Center for Health Statistics.