We are happy to say that the Ventura County Law Library now offers LexisNexis Digital Library, online access to our catalog of LexisNexis Titles.
What does this mean for you? You can now log in to our LexisNexis Digital Library website with your library card number. You can borrow books, research, and keep track of your annotations and notes in your web browser or on the LexisNexis Digital Library app.
How do I access this? All registered borrowers of the Ventura County Law Library can access the digital library. You can log in on the website or on the app. Your username is your library card number (for a majority of our borrowers this number begins with 200000___). If you are prompted for the library code, it is vencolawlib.
Can I sign up for access if I am not currently a registered borrower? Absolutely! Contact us at ask@vencolawlib.org to see about signing up for an account with our library.